Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Etiquette Tips...

Christmas is the time of year that can bring out the best in people --- but unfortunately it can also bring out the worst...I have listed some basic etiquette tips below - to help make this a wonderful Christmas for all.

  • Regardless of the cost or the size of the gift - be grateful for any gifts that you receive.  Someone though enough of you to give you that gift.. Don't offend someone by not being thankful for what you have received...
  • Take a moment to spread the Christmas spirit and help someone who is less fortunate than you. 
  • We all know that Christmas shopping can be a bitch - no one enjoys battling the crowds - but don't throw away your manners and etiquette - display patience and kindess while shopping.  It really isn't that hard to be considerate of others.
  • Eat, drink and be merry at the office Christmas party - but know when to stop!  Be cautious and don't do anything you'll regret the following morning.
  • Be careful in "re-gifting" --- ensure that the item is in perfect condition and make sure that there is no possible link to the original giver.
  • If you are happy with a service you've received throughout the year - give a bonus for the babysitter, garbage man, cleaner, etc.
Christmas etiquette is actually very simple - it's about thinking of the needs of others, be grateful for what you receive and these simple thoughts and feelings will bring meaning to your Christmas holidays... 


  1. Totally agree, kindness only takes a few mins but can be so uplifting & rewarding not only to the receiver but also the giver.

    It may be just a simple Thank you/smile or taken a trolley back to the trolley bay for a person or my fav a (((( Hug )))) that can uplift people.

    Nearly everything can uplift people and this should be carried out not just at Christmas but at all times.

    (((( Hugs ))))

  2. I am going to email this to the inlaws - would that be rude?!


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